: D&R - Design And Reuse [news@design-reuse.com]
: 27 2005 . 16:01
: Michael Dolinsky
: Design And Reuse Newsletter (April 27, 2005)
Design And ReuseDesign And ReuseDesign And Reuse

What's hot on D&R:
  • DSP on FPGA Corner :
    This hot corner aims to present the state of the art of DSP implementation on FPGA
    In Cooperation with Synplicity
  • Verification IP Corner :
    With increasing design complexity, large number of in-house and third-parties IPs, and limited resources design verification represents a bottleneck in product development process
    In Cooperation with HDL Design House
  • Structured ASIC Corner :
    Structured ASICs are a new breed of custom device that approach the performance of today's Standard Cell ASIC while dramatically simplifying the design complexity.
    In Cooperation with eASIC

  • Michael,

    1. Welcome to D&R community...

    ... the collaboration network  for sharing Intellectual Property in electronic integrated systems

    Welcome to the new partners who joined D&R community this month

    Welcome to the preferred partner of the month: Mentor Graphics
    A preferred partner commits to Excellence by contributing to deliver accurate and comprehensive data to the market through D&R communication channels

    Welcome to D&R loyal partners who renewed their partnership this month

    2. A special issue of the IP /SoC Market Watch report

    The IP/SoC Market Watch report looks at the evolution of the market offers and demands in terms of IP based solutions through an analysis of D&R web site activity. This report is dedicated to D&R partners but once a year D&R emits an open web downloadable report which becomes a special issue. The Q1 2005 report will be a special issue:
    • it will be an open and downloadable version for D&R registered users. D&R will analyse and report about who read this report to his partners
    • D&R will do its best to refine its analysis compared to the previous reports by analyzing deeper the market segments concerned by IP based solutions for Integrated Electronic Systems
    Thus you should not be surprised by some more delay, possibly 2 weeks. Should you wish to sponsor this News letter and get the visitor profiles please contact  us right away.

    3. IP based solutions and D&R website evolution

    D&R has spent a lot of efforts the last decade for publishing offers of licensable IPs providers all around the world whatever they size is. These permanent efforts led to D&R famous Yellow Pages where the commitment is to give to the visitor the possibility to know about  any IP or design offer from the whole world right away.
    Very early D&R brought also attention to design centers as a large majority of the IP providers are design services providers in addition to selling licensable cores.
    Meanwhile the IP based concept has propagated through the whole Electronic system field, it has become one of the key success factor for selling EDA tools, design services, ASIC, ASSP, FPGA and has even become a strong incentive when choosing a Foundry.

    Thus Intellectual Property in integrated Electronic systems has  to day a broader focus  for D&R. In order to emphasize the benefit of comprehensive IP based solutions, D&R has opened in addition and complementary  to its Yellow Pages a section dedicated to IP based solutions ranging from  technology captive solutions offered by  FPGA, ASIC, ASSP vendors to Fabless solution providers. Links between individual IP publishing and description of complete solutions should give to the providers and the market the most outstanding portal devoted to Intellectual property based Integrated Electronic systems.
    And you will not be surprised to see a hot corner on one of these topics opening soon.

    4. A new hot corner on DSP blocks on FPGA sponsored by Synplicity

    D&R opens a hot corner each quarter to attract the market attention on a hot topic exhibiting strong innovation in the IP based field  .This quarter we are happy to open a hot corner whose first characteristics is to  focus on FPGA technology. FPGA vendors have been pioneers for promoting the IP concept and it is appropriate to focus on their  IP offers as well as on the efforts of their Alliance program  members. The second characteristics is that the topic is technically exciting as implementing efficient DSP blocks on FPGA has been a challenge for decades and proving that synthesis tools can do it, is even more exciting. Thus it is D&R pleasure  to bring to you this hot corner .

    5. IP Packaging and delivery

    This topic is hot for years and D&R fulfils 2 missions:
    • First D&R delivers permanently  accurate information up to training  about any standardization attempt. D&R plans web demo and training sessions on Spirit , OCP IP ,VSIA etc.at IP/SoC 2005 Contact us of you wish to participate in organizing these trainings.
    • D&R is delivering its aggressive technology for cataloguing, delivering and packaging IPs  to the market. Daily used for creating XML private  catalogs supporting any standard such as Spirit, importing data in intranet, delivering files. This technology is, no doubt about, the most robust, flexible and inspired IP packaging and delivery technology. Contact us for more info.

    6. IP/SoC 2005 - December 7-8, 2005 - Grenoble, France

    IP SOC 2005 Plan you paper, propose your panel, plan your trip now. It is the right time.
    You cannot miss this event. Should you have a product which contributes to implement IP based solutions book your exhibition space now

    Best regards

    Gabriele Saucier

    D&R News letter is sent out to 35.000 registered users. It gives information about D&R roadmap. If you wish to sponsor a next issue, please contact us



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    5600 Mowry School Road
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    Newark, CA 94560
    Tel: +1 510 656 1445
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